Fullscreen images of works by Ben Gocker
Bambino, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, stones, acrylic gouache, vinyl paint, oil paint93 x 60 inches2 of 18
Things That Don't Last, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, stones, acrylic gouache, vinyl paint, oil paint89 x 57 inches3 of 18
Brian, Tanya, & The Czar, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, acrylic gouache, oil, vinyl paint and found materials84 x 51 inches4 of 18
I Am Not a Robot, 2018mixed media73 x 40 inches5 of 18
Seymour Street, 2018mixed media73 x 40 inches6 of 18
From the Library Window 2018mixed media94 x 61 inches7 of 18
Scaredy Cat 2013-14
maps, gesso, aluminum, peanuts, crayons, carpet, gouache, enamel, acrylic, watercolor and pencil on wood
81x49 inches
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Scaredy Cat 2013-14
maps, gesso, aluminum, peanuts, crayons, carpet, gouache, enamel, acrylic, watercolor and pencil on wood
81 x 49 inches
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Scaredy Cat 2013-14
maps, gesso, aluminum, peanuts, crayons, carpet, gouache, enamel, acrylic, watercolor and pencil on wood
81 x 49 inches
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See You In The Morning 2013-14
pencil on paper
13 x 16 inches
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See You In The Morning 2013-14
pencil on paper
13 x 16 inches
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See You In The Morning 2013-14
pencil on paper
12 3/4 x 15 1/2 inches
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It's Just Another Room 2013-14
MDF, paper, rags, cloth, wire, toothpaste tubes, beer cans, kitchen sponges, nails, household detritus, crayons, gouache, wire, enamel, acryclic, watercolor, and pencil
77 1/4 x 53 inches
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It's Just Another Room 2013-14
MDF, paper, rags, cloth, wire, toothpast tubes, beer cans, kitchen sponges, nails, household detritus, crayons, gouache, wire, enamel, acryclic, watercolor, and pencil
77 1/4 x 53 inches
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Installation viewBen Gocker, Hot Potato, New York CityOctober 27–December 7, 201216 of 18
Installation viewBen Gocker, Hot Potato, New York CityOctober 27–December 7, 201217 of 18
Early Poem, 2003-10mixed media installationdimensions variable18 of 18