Fullscreen images of works in the exhibition Frieze New York
Hand Warmers 2017-2018mixed mediadimensions variable1 of 8
Hand Warmers 2017-2018mixed mediadimensions variable2 of 8
Hand Warmers 2017-2018mixed mediadimensions variable3 of 8
A Woman Waiting (Hell's Kitchen) 2018acrylic on cardboard36 x 36 inches4 of 8
Out of the Woods, 2018oil on linen48 x 42 inches5 of 8
Rope 2018acrylic on collaged cut paper24 x 18 inches6 of 8
Amigos 199776 x 48 inchesacrylic on canvas7 of 8
Martha WilsonMakeover: Melania 2017Single-channel videoTRT 1:00Edition of 10 + 2 APs8 of 8