Fullscreen images of works in the exhibition Foskers & Egg Whites
Bambino, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, stones, acrylic gouache, vinyl paint, oil paint93 x 60 inches1 of 6
Brian, Tanya, & The Czar, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, acrylic gouache, oil, vinyl paint and found materials84 x 51 inches2 of 6
Things That Don't Last, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, stones, acrylic gouache, vinyl paint, oil paint89 x 57 inches3 of 6
Michael Crichton, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, acrylic gouache, gesso, oil, vinyl paint60 x 60 inches4 of 6
Pencils, 2019wood, newspaper transfer, aluminum, acrylic paint40 x 24 inches5 of 6
Image Makers, 2019wood, newspaper, wire, acrylic gouache, gesso, oil, vinyl paint60 x 60 inches6 of 6